The Persistent Spotted Lanternfly

The Persistent Spotted Lanternfly

In recent years, you may have noticed the appearance of a new and troublesome insect…the spotted lanternfly. They have become prominent in the Philadelphia area especially, and can cause damage in a number of ways to the environment. Spotted lanternflies can damage the growth of plants, trees, and other greenery. Home and business owners may be noticing the damage to their greenery.

What To Do About Spotted Lanternflies

This recent article from the Philadelphia Inquirer discusses how spotted lanternflies appear, when they are most prominent, and what to do about them. The spotted lanternfly emerges from its egg in the spring, and spends the summer growing to full adulthood. They become most prominent in the late summer months, from July through September.

To protect your trees and plants on your property, there are steps you should take. In addition to killing any spotted lanternflies you see and scraping off the eggs from any surfaces (be sure to dispose of the eggs in a sealed plastic bag), you should also treat your property with insecticides for larger infestations. It’s best to hire trained professional insect removal specialists rather than attempt this yourself.

Do You Have A Spotted Lanternfly Problem?

If you live in the greater Philadelphia area or South Jersey, you may experience a spotted lanternfly infestation in your yard or at your place of business. Don’t let the little pests damage your plants, bushes and trees.

Hoffman’s Exterminating offers multiple treatment options for spotted lanternfly infestations, including soil injection and insecticide sprays. We can rid your property of spotted lanternflies, and protect your property’s plants and greenery for the future.

Find out more about our services here. If you have a spotted lanternfly problem, reach out to us today!

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