Hoffman's Exterminating is dedicated to providing effective roach control services in South Jersey, PA, DE, & MD. Cockroaches can be a major concern in both homes and businesses, as they not only create an unclean and unsightly environment but also pose serious health risks. These pests carry diseases and can cause sanitation problems, particularly related to food safety and air quality. While certain cockroach species thrive in the summer months and seek shelter during the colder winter months, their behavior is influenced by factors such as global warming, making them a potential threat year-round.
To protect your property from cockroaches, it is important to understand their behavior, take preventive measures, and seek the assistance of a pest control expert if an infestation occurs.

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There are thousands of cockroach species, but only a few are known to live around humans. In the South Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland areas, the most common cockroach species include the American cockroach, German cockroach, Asian cockroach, brown-banded cockroach, and Oriental cockroach.
Identifying cockroaches is crucial in implementing effective control measures. The American and German cockroaches are the most prevalent species in the region. Both species are oval-shaped, reddish-brown in color, and have thin, spiny legs. The American cockroach is larger, reaching up to about an inch and a half in length. The Brown-Banded cockroach and Oriental cockroach are two other species commonly found in homes and businesses in the area. The Brown-Banded cockroach has light brown bands across its wings and abdomen, while the Oriental cockroach is smaller, dark, and smooth, often found in damp areas.
Preventing cockroach infestations starts with maintaining cleanliness and sanitation. Keep your home or business clean, especially in the kitchen area, by promptly cleaning up spills, not leaving dirty dishes overnight, and storing food in sealed containers. Seal cracks and openings, repair doors and windows, and eliminate clutter to prevent cockroaches from entering your property. Additionally, be cautious of items and deliveries that could introduce cockroaches into your home.
Roaches Can Cause Health Risks Such As:
- Worsen Asthma
- Cause Staph Infections
- Spread E-coli
- Spread Dysentary
Cockroaches can enter your property through cracks, doors, or pipes, and they can even hitch a ride on items brought indoors. They can also travel through walls and pipes in multi-unit complexes. Cockroaches are attracted to food sources, so maintaining a clean environment is essential in deterring them.

Dealing with a cockroach problem requires swift action, as these pests can cause significant health risks. While they do not bite or eat homes like termites or carpenter ants, they can transmit diseases such as salmonella, ecoli, dysentery, and staph infections. Cockroaches can also worsen asthma and allergies due to their droppings and shed skin. Sanitation is crucial in preventing cockroach-related health issues.
To effectively combat cockroach infestations, it is advisable to seek professional assistance. Hoffman's Exterminating has the expertise and knowledge to implement comprehensive roach control strategies tailored to your specific needs. By addressing the root causes and implementing targeted treatments, we can eliminate cockroach infestations and help you maintain a clean and pest-free environment.
Choose Hoffman's Exterminating as your trusted partner in roach control services. Contact us today to safeguard your home with our roach control services in South Jersey, PA, DE, & MD property from the risks associated with cockroach infestations.