The Change of Seasons Could Bring Occasional Invaders

The Change of Seasons Could Bring Occasional Invaders

Hoffman’s Exterminating warns homeowners to be on the lookout for uncommon pests.

Many pests such as ants are so widespread and recognizable that people barely notice them underfoot. Hoffman’s Exterminating, a pest management company servicing the greater Philadelphia area and South Jersey, wants homeowners to be aware that this time of year can bring more uncommon household pests such as centipedes and crickets. These occasional invaders may be more prevalent as spring approaches.

“Occasional invaders do not often find their way indoors unless conditions outside threaten their survival. However, they cannot survive very long without a significant source of moisture, so many will die within a few weeks of coming inside,” said William T. Hoffman, President & CEO of Hoffman’s Exterminating. “These pests are often considered nuisance pests and pose no major health threats, but several do have the ability to sting or bite.”

Experts at the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) have shared a list of occasional invaders that homeowners might encounter:

Centipedes – House centipedes have poisonous jaws to inject their prey with venom. If handled roughly, some larger species can inflict a painful bite that can break human skin and cause pain and swelling, similar to a bee sting.

Earwigs – Contrary to popular myths, earwigs do not burrow into people’s brains at night. However, they are known to live together in large numbers. Earwigs can be found under piles of lawn debris, mulch or in tree holes, and they can gain entry to a structure through exterior cracks.

House Crickets – House crickets are nocturnal and usually hide in dark warm places during the day. Indoors, they can eat away at fabric, leaving holes and are especially attracted to soiled clothes.

Scorpions –During periods of hot weather, scorpions can enter homes through wall voids and take shelter in cool areas like crawl spaces. They are known to sting as a defense mechanism. Humans usually experience only mild symptoms similar to those of a bee sting, but there are a handful of species such as the Arizona Bark scorpion whose sting can be fatal.

Do you have a pest problem in your South Jersey home? Reach out to Hoffman’s Exterminating today.

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