At Hoffman's Exterminating we are a top pest control provider offering expert services on rodent control in South Jersey, PA, DE, & MD. Our Year-Round rodent control service plan stands as a game-changer in the realm of rodent management. Designed to address the unique challenges posed by these burrowing pests, it represents a breakthrough solution. What sets this plan apart is its EPA approval for effectively eliminating rodents in their burrows.
Our Year-Round Pest Control Service Plan
A Breakthrough For Controlling Burrowing Rodents
- Labeled by the EPA to kill pests in their burrows; including rats, pocket gophers, ground squirrels, groundhogs, voles, and moles.
- Approved for use in municipal, commercial, residential, and agricultural settings for rodent control.

For More Information On Our Services On Rodent Control in South Jersey, PA, DE, & MD, Contact Us Today!

Types Of Pests
Pocket Gophers
Makes two kinds of burrows; those near the surface for food gathering and deeper ones for storage and shelter. The passages slant toward the ground surface. Excess soil is pushed out of a passage where it creates a mound. The passage is then plugged from below.
Tunnels are two types: subsurface, which appear as ridges; and deep, which are generally marked by cone shaped molehills usually 6 to 8 inches in height. Can travel through porous soil at 1 foot per minute.
Construct many tunnels and surface runways with numerous burrow entrances. Vole nests are globular structures of dry grass about 6 to 8 inches in diameter and may contain several adults and young. Pine voles remain entirely underground, building extensive tunnel systems and pushing conical piles of soil to the surface.
Norway Rats
Makes a network of interconnecting tunnels 2 to 3 inches across, up to 1.5 feet deep and 6 feet long. Such a network contains one or more chambers for nesting and feeding, one or more main entrances, and several escape exits.
Ground Squirrels
Several animals may occupy one burrow, which typically is 3 to 6 inches wide and 5 to 200 feet long. Burrows are generally under logs, trees or rocks when available, otherwise are out in the open with a mound at the main entrance.
Groundhogs are diggers. They excavate tunnels and burrows underground, in which they live and raise young. The tunnel may have up to five entrances and 50 feet of total tunnel distance, including living and hibernation dens.