Keep Pesky Pests Away This Holiday Season

Keep Pesky Pests Away This Holiday Season

Hoffman’s Exterminating and the National Pest Management Association share tips to prevent encounters with pests during holiday baking and decorating

The exciting and busy holiday season has arrived which means it’s time for baking, gift shopping, decorating and travel! In the hustle and bustle of this season, pest prevention can easily be overlooked, giving pests an open invitation to your holiday celebrations. To protect your holiday plans from the threat of pests, Hoffman’s Exterminating is joining the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) in sharing key prevention tips.

“Baking and cooking during the holiday season can attract pantry pests like Indian meal moths and merchant grain beetles and trust me no one wants those added to their favorite recipes,” said William T. Hoffman, President & CEO at Hoffman’s Exterminating. “Additionally, real greenery, such as wreaths, garland and trees can harbor hidden spiders and mites, while boxes of decorations can easily become infested during the holiday off-season. To avoid pest encounters this holiday, we recommend taking a few extra steps to inspect items and keep pests outside.”

Hoffman’s Exterminating and NPMA recommend the following tips to keep your holidays pest-free:

  • Store food properly in containers with an airtight seal.
  • Before purchasing food at the grocery store, inspect boxes and bags for any damage.
  • Keep kitchen surfaces and floors clean and regularly dispose of garbage in a sealed receptacle.
  • Before decorating, thoroughly inspect all live greenery for any pests or eggs.

Inspect and shake out all live greenery, including trees, before bringing decorations indoors.

  • When disposing of your greenery, place it far away from the home to avoid attracting pests.
  • Inspect stored items for signs of gnaw marks or droppings as these are signs of a potential rodent infestation.

If you suspect an infestation, do not attempt to treat the issue yourself. It is always recommended that you contact a licensed pest control professional to safely remove pests from your home. For more information on holiday pest prevention, please visit Hoffman’s website.